St. Stanislaus College, Guyana

A Historical Perspective

Page Devoted to all things Educational
Some Things Questionable & Controversial
Philosophical Musings
By John Sparrock
The view of this author is that simple topics are the safest for general publication. Here the majority of the audience are in general agreement. When we encounter topics which have several plausible explanations, things become rather controversial. Those who work at the cutting edge of research appreciate that there is a long road ahead with some vexing problems.

Here we will focus on those areas of the Sciences which may not be easily tested as required by the accepted scientific standards. We will also address the inevitable controversy which exists between some scientists and the religious establishment.

The facts presented in these pages have been compiled from sources considered to be reliable. The questions posed are those of the author who is seeking clarification when assumptions and claims seem to be questionable.

All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not in any way represent the opinion of any members of his Alma Mater.
Discussion Areas
Cosmologists and Astronomers are struggling to apply knowledge of Terrestrial phenomena to the entire Universe. Could the quest for knowledge be misguided??
We could start this topic with Big Bang Cosmology, or we may start somewhere after - with the discussion about the Galaxies. These are more easily observed, but they illustrate the many complexities in this field of study.
                                 We will begin with Things Celestial .
Biologists, Paleontologists and Evolutionists are continually searching for clues to better understand how life started and evolved on planet earth.